Setmana 3: Els falcons, equilibristes i malabaristes!

DILLUNS, Sortida a la piscina del Parc de la Creueta del Coll:


Vam anar d’excursió a una piscina molt gran però poc fonda. Hi havia altres nens i ens va permetre conèixer altra gent. Vam anar a dinar a dalt a un espai amb sorra on vam jugar. Ens ho vam passar molt bé.


We went to an excursion, to a very big pool but not very deep. There were other children to play with. After lunch we went to a place where we could play. We had a very nice day!



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Dimarts vam conèixer els falcons i els vam imitar, tot junts vam fer unes estructures tan boniques! També vàrem banyar-nos a la piscina on vam gaudir d’una aigua refrescant i d’una diversió gurmet.


Tuesday we met the “falcons” from the circus. Together we made some beautiful body structures. We also swim in the pool where we enjoyed a refreshing water and had gourmet fun.

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Pel matí vam fer un malabar amb una ampolla de Schweppes i ho decoràvem amb cintes americanes de colors i un altre amb una pilota amb dos globus i a dintre i posàvem arròs. Abans de dinar vam fer jocs d’aigua. A la tarda també vam fer jocs d’aigua fins a l’hora de marxar.


In the morning we did a juggling with a bottle of Schweppes decorated and we also did some juggling balls with rice and balloons. Before lunch we did water games. In the afternoon we also do water games until time to leave.

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Dijous al matí vam fer cançons tots junts i vam esmorzar, després vam anar a refrescar-nos a la piscina. Un cop acabat de dinar vam anar al poliesportiu i vam fer joc lliure. A la tarda vam jugar a cartes i vam tornar a remullar-nos.


Thursday morning we learn some songs and had breakfast together. After we went to the swimming pool. Once we had lunch we had free time and later we played cards and go to the pool again.

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Avui hem estat fent activitats relacionades amb el circ. En diferents racons del pati, podíem trobar slackline, hula hop, malabars amb pilotes, malabars amb masses i xanques. Ens ho hem passat molt bé i després hem pogut gaudir duna bona estona a la piscina. A la tarda, hem escrit el bloc.


Today we did some circus activities. In differents spaces of the playground we could practice slackline, hula hop, juggling with balls, juggling with clubs and stilts. We had very good time and after we enjoy some of our time in the swimming pool. After having lunch we wrote the blog.

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