Setmana 2: El músic i la ballarina




Avui, un músic i un ballarí van arribar al circ i ens han fet ballar com si fóssim animals. També ens han fet seguir alguns ritmes amb les mans. Després, ens hem anat a la piscina. A la tarda hem fet alguns jocs esportius.
Today, a musician and a dancer came to the circus and made us dance as if we were animals. They also made us follow some rhythms with the hands. After, we went to the swimming pool. In the afternoon we did some sport games.


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Al matí vam fer uns instruments musicals amb coses reciclades.

Després ens vam anar a banyar a la piscina, i tot seguit vam anar a dinar.

A la tarda vam fer jocs d’aigua. Fins a les 17:00 hores, aprofitant a refrescar-nos i passar-ho bé alhora.


In the morning we had some musical instruments with recycled stuff.

Then we we had a swim in the pool, and we went to lunch.

In the afternoon we had water games. At 17.00 p.m , taking advantage to refresh ourselves and have a good time.


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Avui al matí, hem fet jocs esportius en anglès. Havíem de fer unes activitats i després havíem de penar quin animal devíem estar imitant i intentar descriure’l.

Després vam anar a la piscina i a la tarda… Vam fer un pastís amb galetes i xocolata!


This morning , we did sports games in English. We had to do some activities and then we had to guess what animal we had been imitating and trying to describe it .

Then we went to the pool and in the afternoon… We made a cake with biscuits and chocolate!


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Vàrem fer un concert amb uns instruments especials, uns instruments fets per nosaltres.

També vam banyar-nos a la piscina que, per cert, estava frasqueta i agradable, tot i que estava plena i era incòmode, regalava un benestar bonic.

A la tarda vàrem banyar-nos un altre cop.

A la nit, vam poder quedar-nos a dormir a l’escola! Vam sopar, jugar i vam ballar fins ben tard!


We did a concert with special instruments, instruments made by us.

We also swim in the pool was nice and cold, although it was crowded and uncomfortable, gave a beautiful wellness.

In the afternoon we swim again.

At night, we slept in the school! we had dinner, played and dance until late!


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Ens hem llevat i ens hem canviat després vam anar a menjar xocolata i pastes, com per exemple pa de pessic. Els monitors ens han deixat una estona per jugar. Avui havíem de portar una samarreta blanca per tintar-les de colors. Vam anar a la piscina i a la tarda hem escrit el bloc del casal.


At first, we woke up and we dress so we could go to have breakfast. They gave us chocolate and pastries. We had some free time and after we dyed the white t-shirt we brought to school with different colours, we went to the swimming pool and in the afternoon we wrote the blog.


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